Thank you - Qld Raceway 21-23 April 2023

Monday April 24 2023
A special thank you to CORD Owner's & Gatherer's Society Inc. for hosting the Round 2 Motorsport Australia Qld State Circuit Racing Championships held at Queensland Raceway 21-23 April 2023.
Motorsport Australia and all the officials and volunteers giving up their time for the motorsport community and it is the best way of getting close to the action without being in the driver's seat.
Volunteer officials are a vital part of motorsport and without them the sport could not function. Many of them are specifically trained in various areas and event such as the one on the weekend would not occur without these generous individuals.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your love for Motorsport and greatly appreciate your assistance, guidance and encouragement over the weekend.
Attached are some photographs of some of the individuals from the weekend. Some photographs are taken at a different location due to how busy they were this weekend.